Create a Culture of Actively Engaged People Producing Extraordinary Results!
Create agile teams that embrace and drive change.
Build high trust within and across teams.
Improve communication and accountability.
Foster employee engagement and commitment.
Why does it matter? The right culture fosters trust, creates engagement and exponentially increases the speed of the team and the results they produce. Make culture the cornerstone of your business strategy.
The 8 Steps in the Culture Change Roadmap Can Help You Navigate the Journey.
Creating a high performing culture is a process that begins with the first step—gain clarity. Clarity of vision focuses action. Next, align the leadership team. Follow the process and watch your culture build muscle and take shape. Extraordinary results will follow.

Step 1 | Gain Clarity
When you begin the process of organizational culture change, you need to have clarity about the current state of the culture --- the true norms that govern how teammates treat each other, not just a set of values hanging on a wall.
Team Trek Profile Assessments - Assess the current state of the culture, team, leaders and people >Learn More

Step 2 | Align the Leadership Team
A misaligned leadership team is like rowers rowing in opposite directions. Gaining alignment at this step means answering three questions ---- Who are we? Who do we want to be? How are we going to get there? This alignment creates clarity and consistency for everyone in the organization.
Lead Team Initiative - Five-day experiential learning program at the Team Trek Learning Center >Learn More

Step 3 | Model the Way
The culture transformation for the organization is limited by the culture of the leadership team. Lack of consistency creates mistrust, cynicism, and disengagement throughout the organization. A high performing leadership team serves as a model for the culture of the organization as a whole.
Team Trek Leadership Profile – 360 assessment >Learn More
Team Trek Coaching – for individual leaders >Learn More

Step 4 | Expand the Core
Culture is contagious. Once the leadership team is aligned and gaining traction, it is time to expand training to include all people managers. Next, identify and train potential culture champions. Once enough people are committed to the same vision for your culture, mobilize a cross-functional compass team to roll out the new organizational compass.
Organizational Culture Initiative - Four-day experiential learning program at the Team Trek Learning Center >Learn More
Team Trek Workshop Series (client-site or virtual) >Learn More
Team Trek Coaching - group coaching for Compass Team

Step 5 | Equip People Managers
Managers and front-line leaders have the greatest amount of interaction with the majority of team members in any organization. Unfortunately, most managers have not been equipped to lead for engagement. This step starts with defining with specificity the type of leader you need to support your culture and then designing a leadership program to get you there.
Navigating Leadership - Five-day experiential learning program with Leadership Profiles >Learn More
Team Trek Workshop Series (client-site or virtual) >Learn More
Team Trek Coaching – for individual leaders >Learn More

Step 6 | Create a Coaching Culture
In an organization with a coaching culture, everyone gives and receives encouragement, feedback and coaching to help all team members live the norms and values of the organization. Getting there requires training people how to have difficult conversations they are not accustomed to having.
How to Coach Workshop for people managers, supervisors and team-leads (client-site or virtual) >Learn More
Healthy Conversations Workshop (client-site or virtual) >Learn More

Step 7 | Systematize Culture Change
Culture isn't a program, it's who you are. It defines how you work together as a team. However, at some point the values and norms that define your ideal culture should be intentionally embedded in a programmatic way in every system within the organization -- hiring, training, coaching, continuous improvement, meeting management, performance evaluation, talent management and off-boarding.
Culture Change Strategy Session with leadership team (client-site or virtual)

Step 8 | Cultivate Talent
Placing the right people in the right roles is crucial to the success of any organization. Organizations must constantly be looking into the future to identify and equip the next generation of leaders --- developing talent and preparing individual contributors and managers for future roles. This effort includes training and coaching on how to steward the culture to sustain and grow what has been built.
Talent Review Strategy Session with leadership team (client-site or virtual)
Team Trek Has the Tools to Support You Along the Way.