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New Virtual Training Options

Team Trek

We are either growing or dying, but we're never standing still. That’s true for leadership development as well as culture transformation.

The good news is that while the pandemic may have created obstacles to your leadership development efforts, it doesn't mean you have to put training on hold. The Team Trek Workshop Series is now available in virtual format via video conference.

The biggest difference between our virtual training and training delivered at your site is the training is broken down into shorter weekly sessions versus a full day of training. Our virtual training is still delivered in-person by Team Trek Master Coaches. And our Master Coaches are experts at guiding the discussion and integrating key concepts through practical application and self-reflection, regardless of the training format.

Benefits of virtual training:

  • Shorter sessions allow you to concentrate on specific competencies more fully

  • Practical application exercises create an opportunity to practice new learning between sessions

  • Weekly sessions provide additional scheduling flexibility

  • Two-hour sessions minimize time away from your day-to-day commitments

  • Virtual training is ideal for teams that are geographically disbursed

Visit our Workshop page to learn more. Or, schedule a discovery call with a Team Trek Master Coach to explore options and discuss pricing.


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